bio organic phosphate fertilizer making

How Make Bio Organic Phosphate Fertilizer

How Make Bio Organic Phosphate Fertilizer


To make bio organic phosphate fertilizer, you need to prepare biological compost rich in phosphorus. Then use biological fertilizer production equipment to make powdered or granular biological phosphate fertilizer. At the same time, you also need to pay extra attention to the selection of phosphorus source and its utilization rate. If you would like to inquire about specific production business plan, please contact YUSHUNXIN.

How to prepare for producing bio organic phosphate fertilizer ?

First, collect organic material rich in phosphorus, such as bone meal, phosphate rock, or fish bone meal. Next, the organic materials and microbial inoculants are mixed with compost (composted organic waste such as animal manure) rich in nitrogen, potassium and other essential nutrients. Then using the composting machine to turn the mixture regularly to aerate it and encourage the decomposition process. After a period of time, the mixture completely decomposes, turns black, and becomes brittle, and the bio organic phosphate fertilizer can be made.

Two production lines for making bio organic phosphate fertilizer

Make powder bio organic phosphate fertilizer:

Powdered bio-phosphate fertilizer is easy to store and transport. Its production process is simple and requires little investment. Use a compost crusher to crush the composted bio-phosphate fertilizer into fine powder. Then use a drum screener to screen out the suitable products. Then package them and sell them to customers.

Turn powder bio phosphate fertilizer into granules:

The production process of granular bio-phosphate fertilizer is more complicated and requires a large investment. Based on powdered bio-phosphate fertilizer, you can use a granulator to granulate according to production needs. Use a sieving machine again to select qualified bio-phosphate fertilizer granules. Then use a drum dryer to remove moisture from the granules and a cooler to maintain the fertilizer performance. Finally, packaging is the last step of the granulation process.

granular bio phosphate fertilizer production

What should you pay special attention to when making bio organic phosphate fertilizer?

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