Composting is the preparation work for bio fertilizer production, and seeking the best way to make compost with organic biofertilizer has become a hot topic. There are aerobic fermentation and anaerobic composting methods for biological fertilizer composting. At the same time, you can choose slot compost or strip compost. In addition, when composting, you should pay attention to choosing the right raw materials and composting methods, so as to turn the pile regularly, and control the temperature and humidity. The best method to make compost with organic biofertilizer is to choose the one that suits you.
Processing methods for making biological compost
Aerobic composting method
Aerobic composting is a composting method that uses oxygen to decompose organic waste. In aerobic composting process, will waste sits inside ventilation good compost heap, through continuous turning and ventilation, keep the stockyard in sufficient supply of oxygen. The heat generated during the aerobic composting process helps kill pathogenic microorganisms and weed seeds. This makes the compost more stable and mature. It also reduces the production of odors and harmful gases. In order to better increase the oxygen content of compost, we recommend that you use relevant composting equipment. Such as wheel type composting machine, groove type compost turner, etc.
Anaerobic composting method
Anaerobic composting is a composting method that uses anoxic environment to decompose organic waste. In the anaerobic composting process, organic wastes are stacked in closed or semi-closed containers or compost piles. So that the lack of oxygen in the pile material. In this environment, organic waste by anaerobic microbes, to produce biogas and organic matter decomposition product. Anaerobic fermenter is a typical representative of anaerobic fermentation.
What are the forms of biofertilizer compost ?
Generally speaking, the best way to make compost for organic biofertilizer is aerobic fermentation. That is, the formation of a good compost pile. There are usually two types of compost piles, one is slot stacking, and the other is strip stacking.
Slot stacking refers to a composting method in which organic waste is stacked in rectangular or square troughs enclosed by walls. Placing organic waste in a tank allows for better control of the temperature of the compost and prevents the effects of too cold or too hot temperatures on the compost. At the same time, you can place the trough turnover machine on both sides of the fermentation tank for regular turnover work. This increases contact with oxygen and speeds up fermentation.
Strip composting is the accumulation of organic waste in long strips. The crib composting by site constraints is small, the required construction cost less. The regular turning of compost is carried out by using the windrow composting machine. This can enhance the ventilation of compost, promote the microbial decomposition activity and shorten the fermentation period. The fermentation usually takes about 20 days to complete.